How to Make the Perfect Kentucky Derby Mint Julep

With the Kentucky Derby fast approaching, there is one drink that is an absolute must come race time: the traditional Mint Julep. If you’re going to make them for your friends, or just yourself, you can watch the bartender instructional video above, or your can proceed on your own.

Here are all of the things you’re going to need:

• Your Favorite Bourbon

• Sprigs of Fresh Mint

• Crushed Ice

• Either Sugar Water or Simple Syrup

• (Traditional but not necessary) Metal Julep Cups

If you’re using sugar and water and not pre-made simple syrup, the first thing you’re going to want to do is boil 2 cups of water and let it fully dissolve around 2 cups of sugar.

Pour 2 ounces of simple syrup into your Julep glass, then put in four or five full mint leaves. Using a spoon or a pestle, mull the mint leaves a little on the bottom of the glass. Then add 2 and 1/2 ounces of Bourbon and brushed ice.

Don’t forget a few mint sprigs of garnish.